Daniel Bourne’s books of poetry include The Household Gods and Where No One Spoke the Language. His poems have appeared in Field, Ploughshares, American Poetry Review, Boulevard, Guernica, Salmagundi, Shenandoah, Yale Review, Prairie Schooner, Plume, Pleiades and others. He teaches in English and Environmental Studies at The College of Wooster, where he is the editor of Artful Dodge. Since 1980 he has also lived in Poland, including 1985-87 on a Fulbright for the translation of younger Polish poets and most recently from August to October of 2018 for more translation work. His translations have appeared in Field, Colorado Review, Partisan Review, and Quarterly West. He has also published a collection of the political poems and essays of Polish poet Tomasz Jastrun, On the Crossroads of Asia and Europe.