Jim Washington lives in Hanover, NH with his wife, MaryLu, and is a Dartmouth admissions staff member. He remains in debt to Countee Cullen whose poem “Incident” introduced him in elementary school to the pain and promise of the carefully aimed word. From his hometown of Roxbury, Massachusetts, Jim found his way to Wesleyan University (B.A. English) and the University of New Hampshire (M.A. English – Writing/Poetry) under the mentorship of Mekeel McBride and Charles Simic. Jim participated in three summer poetry writing workshops at the Frost Place, led first by Vievee Francis, then Gregory Pardlo and, finally, Patricia Smith. (Yes, lightning can strike thrice in the same spot!) His poems have appeared in The Anthology of New England Writers, Bloodroot Literary Magazine (Volume 11), College Poetry Review, Evansville Review, Journal of Progressive Human Services, Lowell Review, Main Street Rag (2005, 2016, 2021 pending), Oyster River Anthology, Pegasus, Red Brick Review, Rattle, Lifelines Literary Journal, and others. Jim is a candidate for Dartmouth’s Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (creative writing).